Tuesday 7 October 2014

We Are Back!


Drumroll please! The girls are back in town. Suffice to say we are a lazy bunch when it comes to blogging. It's not like we have nothing to say. But alas...we are back and I think this is something we all need for our wellbeing. HA was the original lady who gave birth to the beingus blog. So thank you  HA. 

We have been very busy since the last blog post back in 2011 I think!

SK has qualified as an Accountant! Please post about those sleepless nights SK!
NR is working full-time while juggling two beautiful daughters. I would love to hear about how she manages all this.
SSL won't stop travelling. Road trips are her middle name. She will no doubt be posting about driving through Europe with a toddler and a husband!
JN is pregnant and is literally about to pop so watch this space as she will have many stories to tell.
NK changed her first name??? Yep! But she's still NK to us. She's also pregnant and very apt at describing the intricacies of pregnancy in her unusual way. So we all hope to hear more about that.
HA had a beautiful baby girl not so long ago. I won't tell you more as she has already started her post,  and as she described it, she found it extremely therapeutic.
IR that's me. The current admin of beingus. I also had a baby girl at the beginning of this year. I wrote my labour story while it was still fresh in my head. So I shall post that soon too.

I hope you all enjoy are catch ups and daily grinds as much as we enjoy writing them! 

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